File "changelog.txt"

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Audiothingies P6 Changelog

v2.03 - 10-01-2016
- setup menu slightly modified: midi out mode now replace the polychain setting
- available midi out modes: soft thru, cc, arp, polychain master, polychain slave
- 2nd layer in setup menu added with encoder settings (double resolution on/off, acceleration value)
- bug fix where the arp latch would behave strangely after switching presets with arp latch set to on and arpeggio playing
- fixed a rare bug where the loaded program would not correspond to the program number

v2.02 hotfix1 - 2-10-2015
- bug fix: couldn't receive PC higher than 256

v2.02 - 25-09-2015
- bug fix: arp was not restarted in latch mode when entering new note data
- bug fix: weird arp latch behavior under some extreme circumstances (like entering arp with some keys pressed)
- bug fix: lag: pitch bend was not affected by lag

v2.01 - 18-09-2015

- improvement: added a hint in setup menu to save params
- improvement: arp latch keeps recording till 1 note is held
- bug fix: stereoizer's input could be overloaded with VERY LOUD SOUNDS
- bug fix/improvement: when polychain mode is selected, MIDI Thru is no longer active (except realtime messages like clock)
- bug fix: in polychain mode, filter type and tracking output wrong cc values
- bug fix: glide does not affect pitch bend nor transpose anymore

v2.0 - 11-06-2015

- redesigned UI code with parameter override display on lcd
- 12 osc algos
- 8 filters
- pan per voice
- envelopes : 3 shapes
- lfo: attack control + 2 more shapes sawtooth and 8 step sequence
- arp: 16 step pattern sequencer for the arp
- fx: improvements in delay section
- global eq filter

v1.04 - 26-02-2014

- Fixed an issue that was affecting the attack of a note when nothing else was playing
- Fixed a bug in stereo filtered delay

v1.03 - 01-09-2014

- Running status support was killed in v1.01 - Now back up and running :)

v1.02 - 25-08-2014

- Fixed a bug in env1 when sent to Lag operator


v1.01 - 11-08-2014

- Added polychain mode
- Fixed a bug in MIDI Out

v1.0 - 30-07-2014

NOTE : After installing this firmware, the P6 will upgrade the 256 EEPROM-stored presets to the new format, as some things have changed significantly.
The upgrade process is transparent, except with presets using the MOD TO LFO and MOD TO ENV parameters. These parameters are obsolete and have been replaced with the more powerful scalers. These presets will need manual tuning after the upgrade.
EDIT: only MOD TO ENV needs manual tuning as MOD TO LFO is taken care by the upgrade preset process.

You can save all your presets as sysex format before upgrading in case something weird happens during the conversion. This file will not be compatible with v1.0 but can be useful to restore v0.99d and all your presets if needed.
To do this, you need a sysex recorder software like sysex librarian on Mac.
Plug P6 MIDI Out to your computer MIDI In.
Power P6 while maintaining buttons 2 and 3. A screen will appear asking to send Sysex bank. Press 9 to do so.
Once exported, check in your sysex software that you recorded 256 sysex messages with 136 bytes each. If yes, then it's OK. Save this sysex file and upgrade your P6 safely.


- Added 1 Insert FX with dry/wet control (original stereoizer, chorus/flanger with positive and negative feedback)
- Added delay algorithms (ping/pong, mono with hicut, stereo with hicut, modulated mono and stereo)
- added hicut on stereoizer fx
- 1 insert FX + 1 delay algo available at the same time

- New matrix sources: not (note number - does not take transpose nor pitch bend into account, needs work) aft (mono aftertouch) cst (offset value) nze (noise)
- New matrix destinations: fin (fine pitch) ptc (global pitch - different than previous one) ft1 (osc1 fine tune) tn1 (osc1 tune) ft2 tn2 vca pan
- 3 scalers and 1 lag processor added
- The scalers replace the old MOD TO ENV and MOD TO LFO parameters and allow much larger possibilities
- These are accessed with SHIFT+MATRIX (2 times for the 2nd page)
- Scaler sources : velocity, modulation, aftertouch, env1-3
- Scaler dest : env1-3, lfo1-3

- envelope reset-to-zero at trig option added

- the LFO now has 4 modes
- vce (voice) : standard mode, each voice has a dedicated LFO
- fre (freerun) : the LFO is global to all voices in a freerunning mode
- 1st : like freerun but the 1st note in a chord does retrig the lfo
- all : like freerun but retrigged all note on's 
- LFO phase parameter added (0°-45°-90°)

- MIDI out now passes all incoming data thru
- Preset selection is now cyclic
- MIDI Stop message now does not kill voices - it is up to the sequencer to do it (or not) with sending Note Offs or CC120
- As a consequence, MIDI CC120 support added
- When Arp is ON and sync set to EXT, MIDI Stop message DOES shut off the voices, to avoid for stuck notes
- Typo in Bootloader Mode corrected
- LP4 filter was not correctly gain compensated - fixed
- Improved preset switching
- Added revised factory presets
- MIDI CC implementation revised

v0.99d (beta) - 26-05-2014
- MIDI activity feedback (Home page only - Note On, PCs, CCs sent on P6 MIDI channel)
- Patch transpose (+- 24 semitones), access in OSC1 page (trs parameter)
- Post filter volume adjust [-6dB;+24dB] (MIXER page, mix parameter)
Those changes do not change the sound of the presets already stored into P6.

v0.99c (beta) - 16-04-2014 - This is the version installed on the chips sold in the DIY kits
- EEPROM Format now installs factory presets

v0.99b (beta) - 15-04-2014
- Fixed a bug that caused oscillators to alias on certain notes

v0.99a (beta) - 11/04/2014
- Hotter output
- PC support added
- CC64 (sustain pedal) support implemented
- better oscillator sync
- minor bugs corrected (almost transparent to users)

v0.98 - 10/02/2014
- CC map created and implemented
- LP4 filter now LF compensated
- firmware version now appears at boot
- minor bug fixes

v0.97 - 06/02/2014
- initial public release